Weaning Management
Jason Duggin -It’s calf marketing season for many, and the cattle trucking industry is an essential part that is sometimes overlooked or underappreciated. In this article, Jason Duggin will discuss important aspects of cattle trucking.
Shane Hernandez, Ph.D. and Lawton Stewart Ph.D. -Internal parasites, or worms, are a common problem impacting cattle that graze on pastures. When infected, animals may display visible symptoms such as emaciation, diarrhea, and rough hair coat. However, sub-clinical issues may also occur which may impact animal performance such as a decrease in milk yield, weight…
Brent Credille, DVM, PhD, DACVIM -Producer-level surveys of cow-calf operations across the country have shown that a minority of herds adopt management practices that promote herd efficiency and profitability. The easiest way to improve herd profitability is to focus on optimizing herd efficiency. The goal of this article is to provide producers with management practices…
Jason Duggin – Fescue can serve as a main forage supply, but there are some things that need to be considered to mitigate the toxic endophytes. In this article, Jason Duggin will discuss some of the important considerations for beef cattle producers grazing Fescue in the Southeast.
Posted in: Beef Cattle Market, Forages, Grazing Management, Health, Management, Nutrition, Weaning Management -
Brent Credille, DVM, PhD, DACVIM – New state and federal regulations have been implemented that will have a dramatic impact on how antimicrobials are used in food-producing species. Most producers are familiar with the existing Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) regulations that affect the use of common antimicrobials in the feed and water of production livestock.…
(Francis Fluharty – Beef Cattle Nutritionist) The demand for feeder calves that not only performs in the feedlot but also generates a high quality carcass is now greater than ever. In this article Dr. Francis Fluharty discusses how cow-calf producers can add value to their calves through weaning management and stress reduction.
Posted in: Weaning Management -
Lawton Stewart, Extension Beef Cattle SpecialistFrancis Fluharty, Animal and Dairy Science Department HeadJason Duggin, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Current situation, producers are looking at ways to maintain economic livelihood. One of the ways they can achieve this is through retaining ownership of the calves past weaning. This can take on different meanings, depending on the length ownership,…
Posted in: Weaning Management