Tifton Beef Cattle Short Course

Date: March 4th, 2025
Location: Tifton Bull Evaluation Center, Irwinville, GA
2347 GA HWY 32 West, Chula, GA 31733
Cost: $35/person, includes lunch and materials

The Tifton Short Course will have vendors and representatives from several companies and institutions to visit with during the breaks and lunch. 

Participants this year will receive continuing education hours for:

  • Beef Quality Assurance (3 hours)
  • Private Pesticide Credits (1 hour)
  • Commercial Category 21 Pesticide Credits (1 hour)

The Short Course is held in conjuction with the Tifton Bull Evaluation Sale that will be held on March 6th. All the bulls will be avalible for preview outside. Please visit our Georgia Bull Evaluation page for the catalog and more information on the sale. 

Call your local County Extension Office for more information at 1-800-ASK-UGA1.


8:30 – 9:30 AMRegistration
9:30 AMWelcome
9:45 AMMorning Demo Rotation
Fencing Options: Jennifer Tucker, UGA Animal & Dairy Science
Myth of the 1,000 Pound Hay bale & 1,000 Pound Cow: Lawton Stewart, UGA Extension Beef Specialist
10:15 AMRotate Demos
10:45 AMBreak (Visit with Sponsors)
11:00 AMHeifer Development Considerations for Long Term Productivity
Pedro Fontes, UGA Extension Beef Specialist
11:45 AMLunch
1:00 PMDeveloping a Drought Plan
Tammy Cheely, UGA Extension Agent, Warren County
1:30 PMGeorgia Cattlemen’s Update
Caroline Waldrep, GCA Events & Outreach Coordinator
2:00 PMBreak (visit with sponsors)
2:15 PMAfternoon Demo Rotation
Utility Sprayer Calibration: Holly Anderson, Savannah Tanner, Brandi McGonagill, UGA Ext. Agents
Cattle Tool Kit: Angie McDaniel, UGA Production Medicine Veterinarian
2:45 PMRotate Demos
3:30 PMWrap up, Door Prizes and Preview the Bulls