Athens Beef Cattle Short Course

Date: February 12th, 2025
Location: UGA Livestock Instructional Arena, Athens (2600 S. Milledge Ave. Athens, GA 30605)
Cost: $40/person, includes lunch, notebook and ‘UGA Beef’ hat.

The Northeast Georgia Beef Cattle Short Course will have vendors and representatives from several companies and institutions to visit with during the breaks and lunch. Door prizes will also be given away at the conclusion of the program!

Participants this year will receive continuing education hours for:

  • Beef Quality Assurance (3 hours)

This year’s short course will be held in conjunction with the Focus on Genetically Enhanced EPDs Bull Sale on February 13th, 2025.

Call your local County Extension Office for more information at 1-800-ASK-UGA1.


8:30 a.m.Registration Opens (Visit with Sponsors)
9:00 a.m.Welcome
9:10 a.m.Beef Cattle Market Outlook
Will Secor, UGA Extension Livestock Economist
9:45 a.m.Converting to a Controlled Breeding Season
Pedro Fontes, UGA Extension Beef Specialist
10:15 a.m.Break (Visit with Sponsors)
10:45 a.m.Cow Size and Efficiency
Jason Duggin, UGA Extension Beef Specialist
11:15 a.m.Developing a Drought Plan
Tammy Cheely, UGA Extension Agent, Warren County
12:00 p.m.Lunch (Visit with Sponsors)
1:00 p.m.Afternoon Rotation:
1) Proper Baleage Handling
Lisa Baxter, UGA Extension Forage Specialist

2) Calf Necropsy Demonstration
Brad Heins, UGA Production Medicine Veterinarian     
3) Navigating the Details of Local Beef Production and Marketing
Panel Discussion, TBA

4) Feedstuff Storage Options for Small and Medium Producers
Lawton Stewart, UGA Extension Forage Specialist
Shanna Reynolds, UGA Extension Agent, Oglethorpe County
4:15 p.m.Wrap Up and Door Prizes

Program Contacts

Lawton Stewart

Lawton Stewart

Professor and Extension Coordinator

Animal & Dairy Science

E.L. Rhodes Center for Animal and Dairy Science
425 River Road
Athens, GA 30602