Lawton Stewart, Ph.D. Are your cattle getting enough Vitamin A this winter? With the decrease in Vitamin A in conserved forages like hay, it’s essential to assess Vitamin A supplementation needs before deficiencies impact performance. Read this article for practical insights and solutions.
Lisa Baxter, Ph.D. As the weather in the state gradually starts to change, it is important to have a game plan when it comes to forage management this fall. Click below to access Dr. Lisa Baxter’s article that includes a fall forage management checklist.
Lisa Baxter, Ph.D. Most tall fescue stands found in Georgia have a fungus that lives in the plant and can be transmitted in the seed. This endophyte has some benefits including pest resistance, drought tolerance, and persistence under grazing. However, the wild- or native-type endophyte (E+) produces toxins called ergot-alkaloids that can cause cattle to…
Pedro L. P. Fontes, Vitor R. G. Mercadante, and Reinaldo F. Cooke – Maximizing fertility during the breeding season can have a significant impact in the profitability of both commercial and seedstock herds. As the breeding season approaches for spring breeding herds, this article will discuss the use of fat supplements and their impacts on…
Dr. Lawton Stewart -As we start 2024, many beef cattle producers are about to start the calving season. Across the state, forage availability is variable. Some places have seen severe drought in late summer/early fall, causing producers to feed more hay and deplete their winter hay supply. In this article, Dr. Stewart will discuss some…
Brent Credille, DVM, PhD, DACVIM -Producer-level surveys of cow-calf operations across the country have shown that a minority of herds adopt management practices that promote herd efficiency and profitability. The easiest way to improve herd profitability is to focus on optimizing herd efficiency. The goal of this article is to provide producers with management practices…
Dr. Francis Fluharty, Ph.D. As the movement to regional food production increases, smaller-scale beef processing plants are opening. The result is that many people who have not had a long history of finishing cattle on high-grain diets are starting to feed cattle. In this article, Dr. Fluharty provides an overview of acidosis in feedlot cattle…
Dylan Davis and Lawton Stewart As winter slowly approaches and producers are planning their winter supplementation, the question comes in each year; can I feed whole cottonseed to my bulls or will it make them infertile? This article will go over the impacts of cottonseed on bull fertility and describe how to safely take advantage…
Darren D. Henry, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Very often there is a gap that exists between an optimal weaning time and availability of cool season forages for grazing in the southeastern US. As summer is coming into full swing, it is important that producers are preparing for the winter months ahead. Whether a producer buys or…
Martin Wunderly, Raymond Fitzpatrick, Robyn Stewart, Shanna Reynolds, and Pedro Fontes – Good quality water is essential for adequate animal performance and cattle need between 8 to 20 gallons of water per day, depending on size, diet, status, and weather. As we get into the warmest months of the year, having an adequate water supply for…