Artificial insemination

  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D. – There have been considerable improvements in sexed semen products over the years and producers have been taking advantage of this technology. This short article provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the use of sexed semen in beef cattle.

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  • Pedro L. P. Fontes, Vitor R. G. Mercadante, and Reinaldo F. Cooke – Maximizing fertility during the breeding season can have a significant impact in the profitability of both commercial and seedstock herds. As the breeding season approaches for spring breeding herds, this article will discuss the use of fat supplements and their impacts on…

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  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D. Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – The 2023 sire directories from genetic companies are now available to beef producers. In addition to including a wide variety of new sires, these directories also include updates in their estrus synchronization protocol sheets. These updates include new protocols that are now validated and endorsed by…

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  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – There has been a remarkable increase in beef semen sales over the last few years. While artificial insemination (AI) is a powerful tool that has really helped the beef industry make genetic progress, thisincrease in beef semen sales not necessarily reflects an increase in the…

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  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – We now know that a variety of factors such as nutrition, semen quality, AI technician, and vaccinations (to name a few) can influence the success of an AI program. In this article, Dr. Pedro Fontes discusses how long-term commitment to estrus synchronization and AI influence…

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  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Beef Extension Specialist – Cattle producers commonly evaluate reproductive performance by determining how many cows became pregnant during the breeding season. Although pregnancy rates are important, when females become pregnant within the breeding season is also a key component of cow-calf profitability. In this short article, Dr. Fontes discusses…

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  • Dr. Pedro L. P. Fontes – Reproductive Physiologist As we approach the upcoming breeding season, cattle producers are starting to plan their breeding programs for this spring. While estrus synchronization can eliminate the need for estrus detection, identifying females in estrus can help cattle producers further explore the benefits of artificial insemination and embryo transfer.…

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  • Dr. Pedro Fontes – Reproductive Physiologist Several different protocols are currently available to synchronize beef females and producers are often overwhelmed with the complicated terminology and large numbers of protocols. To overcome the challenges associated with the selection of an estrus synchronization protocol, Extension personnel across the U.S. developed different tools to facilitate the selection…

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  • Pedro L. P. Fontes – Reproductive Physiologist – Cow-calf producers have traditionally struggled to capture value when marketing calves with superior genetics for terminal traits. However, today, this scenario is changing. Cattlemen that produce genetically superior calves that will perform well in the feedlot and produce superior carcasses can take advantage of value-based marketing opportunities…

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