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Lawton Stewart, Extension Animal Scientist, UGA Roger Gates, Whitfield County Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent, UGA Cooperative Extension This year has proved to be quite an interesting one. Most producers were able to put up plenty of hay. However, due to average to above average rainfall, a large proportion of the hay produced was harvested…
Fall sale season is now in full swing, and Georgia cattlemen have numerous options to choose from in the current bull market. So, it seems logical to devote this article to a review of some of the basic principles of bull shopping. If you have been in the cattle business for very long, you are…
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We’re moving! That’s right, we have launched a new website and want to let you know the new place to find out all the latest information on all UGA Beef Programs and news can be found by clicking on the link below! New UGA Beef Website Soon, you will be automatically redirected to our new…
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We are in the process of shipping cattle to participate in the Georgia Beef Challenge. If you are a producer and are interested in gaining information on your herds health, performance, and carcass merit please contact us today to get started! 17-18 Georgia Beef Challenge Rules GA Beef Challenge on GA Farm Monitor
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