Dr. Pedro Fontes

  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – We now know that a variety of factors such as nutrition, semen quality, AI technician, and vaccinations (to name a few) can influence the success of an AI program. In this article, Dr. Pedro Fontes discusses how long-term commitment to estrus synchronization and AI influence…

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  • GGAA 2022 Conference Summary

    Darren Henry, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor – This article provides a summary of the International Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference held this summer in Orlando Florida. This conference is a venue for scientist and industry leaders to present data and discuss current developments in greenhouse gas emission in livestock production.

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  • Lawton Stewart, Ph.D., Beef Cattle Nutritionist and Extension Specialist – Most of Georgia, and especially parts of North Georgia, have suffered through some level of drought this summer.  The extended drought in many parts of the state have a double whammy effect on producers because not only do they not have pastures to graze this…

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  • Pedro Fontes, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Beef Extension Specialist – Cattle producers commonly evaluate reproductive performance by determining how many cows became pregnant during the breeding season. Although pregnancy rates are important, when females become pregnant within the breeding season is also a key component of cow-calf profitability. In this short article, Dr. Fontes discusses…

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  • Justin Burt, Ph.D. Candidate Jennifer Tucker, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Beef Extension Specialist Crabgrass can be found volunteering throughout most of Georgia, it is adaptable to many soil types and environments, establishes relatively easily, is highly palatable to cattle, somewhat drought tolerant, and has a prolific reseeding ability. This article discusses how cattle producers in…

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  • Dr. Lisa Baxter, Assistant Professor and UGA Forage Extension Specialist Since it was first discovered in South Georgia in the summer of 2010, the bermudagrass stem maggot has severely damaged bermudagrass pastures and hayfields throughout the Southeast US. In this article, Dr. Lisa Baxter discusses how to find and control for bermudagrass stem maggot.

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  • The Cheapest Mineral Isn’t Really Cheap

    Dr. Francis Fluharty. Professor and Head. Department of Animal and Dairy Science. The major nutritional requirements are: water, energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins. In many cases, beef producers do a good job of providing adequate water, energy, and protein. However, many beef producers buy ‘cheap’ minerals, ignoring the fact that the bioavailability of minerals influences…

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  • Data That Delivers

    Jason Duggin. Beef Cattle Specialist. University of Georgia Genetic testing and parentage information are standards in the purebred seedstock industry. Commercial operations are rapidly evolving in that direction as well. In this article, Jason Duggin discusses how commercial producers can use genetic testing to improve cow-calf productivity.

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  • Dr. Francine Henry, Beef Extension Specialist at UGA, Tifton Campus We successfully ended the 2021-2022 Georgia Bull Evaluation season with the Tifton Bull Sale on March 2nd. In this article, Francine Henry gives an overview of the Tifton portion of the Georgia Bull Evaluation and provides a summary on the metrics and accomplishments of the…

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  • Do Tannins Have a Place in Beef Production

    Andrea Osorio-Doblado and Dr. Darren D. Henry Tannins can be perceived as “antinutritional factors” in ruminant diets. However, when they are provided from low to medium concentrations (< 50 g/kg DM), tannins can improve utilization of feed protein and positively influence animal performance. This short article provides an overview of the potential use of Tannins…

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