Dr. William Secor
William Secor, Ph.D. -The main story in 2023 has been tight beef supplies and strong beef demand creating a supportive environment for higher beef and cattle prices. The 2023 holiday season is proving to be no exception as popular holiday cuts, like beef rib, is well above prices last year and is moving higher seasonally.
Posted in: Beef Cattle Market -
Jason Duggin -It’s calf marketing season for many, and the cattle trucking industry is an essential part that is sometimes overlooked or underappreciated. In this article, Jason Duggin will discuss important aspects of cattle trucking.
Dr. Pedro Fontes -Sire over conditioning is a common phenotype observed in the beef industry. In this article, Dr. Fontes will discuss the implications of sire over conditioning on semen quality and fertility in beef bulls.
William Secor, Ph.D. -While calf prices may retreat on seasonal supply pressure in the coming weeks, overall market fundamentals are shaping up to support calf prices over the next year or longer. In this short article, Dr. Secor will provide an overview of how the beef cattle cycle dynamics are influencing current cattle prices and…
Posted in: Beef Cattle Market -
Lisa Baxter, Ph.D. Each year forage and grain specialists and breeders gather to review data from the UGA statewide variety test. The data collected in this test are used to guide our state’s variety recommendations. This article will discuss what factors in our decisions and provides the updated lists for winter 2023-2024.
Shane Hernandez, Ph.D. and Lawton Stewart Ph.D. -Internal parasites, or worms, are a common problem impacting cattle that graze on pastures. When infected, animals may display visible symptoms such as emaciation, diarrhea, and rough hair coat. However, sub-clinical issues may also occur which may impact animal performance such as a decrease in milk yield, weight…
William Secor, Ph.D. -Cattle prices have reached record highs over the last several months and remain at historically high levels. Futures markets suggest that high prices will continue for the next several months. While actual prices months from now will be different from what is currently being traded in the futures market today, these prices…
Posted in: Beef Cattle Market -
William Secor, Ph.D. -Calf prices in Georgia have taken a bit of a pause in their march upward over the last few weeks. Across the supply chain, prices have seen similar pauses as fed cattle and wholesale beef prices have leveled off or declined from highs hit earlier this summer. This short article provides an…
Posted in: Beef Cattle Market -
Brent Credille, DVM, PhD, DACVIM -Producer-level surveys of cow-calf operations across the country have shown that a minority of herds adopt management practices that promote herd efficiency and profitability. The easiest way to improve herd profitability is to focus on optimizing herd efficiency. The goal of this article is to provide producers with management practices…
Pedro Fontes, Ph.D. -Like other assisted reproductive technologies utilized in the beef industry, the main goal of embryo transfer programs is to maximize the genetic merit of the herd. There are two main approaches utilized in the beef industry to produce embryos: (1) In vivo and (2) in vitro embryo production. In this article, Dr.…